How to Make Campfire in Little Alchemy 1

Little Alchemy 1 is a popular online game that challenges players to create new elements and objects by combining different elements. In the game, players start with just four basic elements: water, fire, earth, and air, and use them to create a vast array of new items, including plants, animals, and even entire ecosystems. One of the most popular items to create in Little Alchemy 1 is a campfire, which is not only a vital tool for survival but also a source of warmth, light, and comfort. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to create a campfire in Little Alchemy 1, using a combination of basic elements and logic. So let’s get started and learn how to make a campfire in Little Alchemy 1!

To make a campfire in Little Alchemy 1, you will need to combine two basic elements: fire and wood. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
  1. Open Little Alchemy 1 on your device and make sure you have the fire and wood elements unlocked.
  2. Drag the fire element onto the playing board.
  3. Now, drag the wood element onto the fire element. As soon as you do this, the two elements will combine, and you will see a new item appear on the playing board.
  4. Congratulations! You have successfully created a campfire in Little Alchemy 1.
  5. You can use your newly created campfire to light up the darkness and stay warm in the cold wilderness of Little Alchemy 1.

Campfire in Little Alchemy 1

All Combination For Making Campfire

  • Fire + Wood
  • Fire + Tree
  • Fire + Plank
  • Fire + Tree Sap
  • Fire + Stick
  • Fire + Tree Branch
  • Fire + Log
  • Fire + Forest
  • Fire + Sawdust
  • Fire + Charcoal

Things You Can Make From Campfire

Campfires are not only a useful tool for survival in the wilderness, but they can also be a source of creativity and entertainment. In Little Alchemy 1, you can combine the campfire with other elements to create a variety of items. Here are some of the things you can make from a campfire in Little Alchemy 1:

  • Ash – Combine the campfire with air to create ash.
  • Charcoal – Combine the campfire with wood or tree to create charcoal.
  • Smoke – Combine the campfire with air to create smoke.
  • S’mores – Combine the campfire with marshmallows and chocolate to create s’mores.
  • Steak – Combine the campfire with meat to create steak.
  • Barbecue – Combine the campfire with meat and steel to create a barbecue.
  • Lightbulb – Combine a campfire with electricity to create a lightbulb.
  • Fireplace – Combine a campfire with the house to create a fireplace.
  • Dragon – Combine a campfire with an egg to create a dragon.
  • Phoenix – Combine a campfire with the bird to create a phoenix.

Benefits of Campfire in Little Alchemy 1

Campfires are a valuable tool in Little Alchemy 1, not only for their usefulness in creating other elements but also for the benefits they offer. Here are some of the benefits of a campfire in Little Alchemy 1:

  • A campfire creates a warm and inviting light that can help you see in the dark and make it easier to navigate around the playing board.
  • In the game, if you find yourself in a cold environment, a campfire can provide warmth and comfort, helping you to stay alive and focused.
  • As mentioned earlier, campfires can be combined with other elements to create a wide range of new items, from food to creatures.
  • Campfires add a touch of realism to the game, making it more engaging and immersive.
  • The ability to create new items using campfire sparks creativity and encourages players to experiment and discover new combinations.


In Little Alchemy 1, creating a campfire is a simple process that involves combining fire and wood elements. Campfires are not only a vital tool for survival in the game, but they also provide benefits such as warmth, light, and creativity. With the ability to combine campfire with other elements to create a wide range of new items, campfires add a touch of realism and engagement to the game. Overall, campfires are a valuable element in Little Alchemy 1 that every player should have in their arsenal.