Is Aruba Certification Worth It?

Are you considering a career in networking or IT? If so, you may have heard of Aruba certifications. These certifications validate your knowledge and skills in Aruba Networks technology and solutions. But in Aruba certification worth it for you? In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of becoming certified, the cost involved, how to get certified, and ultimately help you decide if pursuing an Aruba certification is right for your career aspirations. So buckle up and let’s dive into the world of Aruba certifications!

What is Aruba certification?

Aruba certification is a validation of one’s technical knowledge and skills in Aruba Networks technology. Aruba Networks is a leading provider of enterprise wireless LAN and edge access networking solutions. The certification program includes various levels, from entry-level to expert level, designed for network professionals at different stages in their careers.

The levels include the Aruba Certified Mobility Associate (ACMA), the Aruba Certified Mobility Professional (ACMP), and the Aruba Certified Design Expert (ACDX). These certifications cover topics such as wireless LAN design, implementation, troubleshooting, security, and integration with other technologies.

Aruba certification exams are performance-based assessments that test your practical skills through real-world scenarios relevant to the job role. They are rigorous exams that require preparation through hands-on experience and study materials provided by Aruba or third-party vendors like SPOTO.

Obtaining an Aruba certification demonstrates your commitment to professional growth and validates your expertise in implementing state-of-the-art networking solutions using industry-leading technology.

The benefits of Aruba certification

The benefits of Aruba certification are numerous and can positively impact your career in the IT industry. Firstly, gaining an Aruba certification demonstrates to employers that you have a high level of technical knowledge and skills specific to Aruba products and solutions.

Secondly, possessing an Aruba certification can lead to better job opportunities as many companies require their IT staff to be certified in certain technologies. This means that having an Aruba certification on your resume could give you a competitive edge over other candidates when applying for jobs.

Thirdly, being certified in Aruba technology also gives you access to exclusive resources such as training materials and events which can further enhance your skill set.

Obtaining an Aruba certification shows a commitment to ongoing learning and professional development which is highly valued by employers. It demonstrates that you are dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in the field.

There are clear advantages to becoming certified in Aruba technology both for personal growth and career advancement additional exam info from Spoto.

The cost of Aruba certification

The cost of Aruba certification varies depending on the level of certification you are pursuing. The entry-level certification, Aruba Certified Mobility Associate (ACMA), costs $125 per exam attempt. Meanwhile, a professional-level certification like Aruba Certified Solutions Professional (ACSP) can cost upwards of $1,000.

It’s important to note that these fees only cover the cost of taking the exams themselves. You may need to invest in training materials or courses to prepare for your exams adequately. This can add additional expenses that you’ll need to factor into your overall budget.

While the cost may seem steep, it’s important to consider the potential return on investment. Becoming certified in Aruba technologies can open up new job opportunities and increase earning potential in the long run.

If you’re concerned about paying for certifications out-of-pocket, some employers offer tuition reimbursement programs or even pay for their employees’ certifications outright as part of their professional development initiatives.

Ultimately, while there is a financial commitment required for obtaining an Aruba certification, many individuals find it worth it in terms of career advancement and increased knowledge and skills in this field.

How to get Aruba Certified

Becoming Aruba certified is a great way to showcase your skills and knowledge in wireless networking. To get started, you need to choose the certification path that best aligns with your career goals. Aruba offers several certifications ranging from entry-level to expert-level.

To start, review the exam objectives and study materials for each certification level on the Aruba website. You can also take practice exams offered by third-party providers like SPOTO to gauge your readiness.

Once you feel confident in your understanding of the material, register for an exam through Pearson VUE. The cost of each exam varies depending on the certification level but ranges from $125-$300 USD per attempt.

On test day, arrive early and be sure to bring two valid forms of identification with you. After completing the exam, results are typically available within 24-48 hours via email or on the Pearson VUE website.

Upon passing an Aruba certification exam, you’ll receive a digital certificate and badge that can be shared on social media or added to your resume or LinkedIn profile. Remember that certifications require ongoing maintenance through recertification exams or continuing education credits – so keep studying!

Is Aruba certification worth it?

After examining the benefits, costs and processes involved in obtaining an Aruba certification, the question remains: is it worth it?

The answer will depend on your career goals and aspirations. If you are interested in becoming a network engineer or working with wireless networks, then an Aruba certification could be very valuable for you. It demonstrates to employers that you have specialized skills and knowledge in this area.

Furthermore, as more organizations adopt wireless technologies, there will likely be a growing demand for professionals who can manage these networks effectively. This means that having an Aruba certification could give you important leverage when looking for job opportunities or negotiating salary.

On the other hand, if your career path doesn’t involve networking or wireless technologies specifically, then investing time and money into getting an Aruba certification may not be worthwhile for you.

In conclusion (just kidding!), whether or not an Aruba certification is worth it ultimately depends on your individual circumstances and career goals. For those who prioritize building expertise in networking and wireless technology fields – especially those currently working within IT – pursuing such a qualification could prove to be highly beneficial over the long term.