Write For US

Thanks for visiting thexploretech.com! Here at The Xplore Tech, we offer an opportunity to new talent who is crazy about writing and have good writing skills to “write for us”.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for some passionate bloggers to write excellent articles for us on Technology, SEO, Apps, How To, Digital Marketing, and Gadgets. We welcome you all to this platform this express your skills.

Write For Us on the following Topics:

  • Technology
  • Digital marketing
  • SEO
  • How to
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media
  • eCommerce
  • Gadgets

We only accept guest posts on these topics or related to them.

Write for us Guideline:

  • Your articles must be original and Plagiarism free content (Copyscape passed) or free from copyright infringement.
  • Your Content should be at least 800 words or more with headings and make sure the content is free from grammatical mistakes.
  • The Guest Post article must be about one of the topics which we have mentioned above. We don’t allow topics that are irrelevant to our site.
  • Your article contains only one or two do-follow links. More than that are not acceptable.

How to Submit an Article:

Feel free to contribute to The Xplore Tech. Submit your article to thexploretech@gmail.com. If you have any queries regarding guest posting at The Xplore Tech, do let us know via the Contact Us or email.